Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me Monday

For starters, I would never go a whole week without updating my blog! No, not me!

I would never forget that I was supposed to make the favorite family cinnamon rolls for thanksgiving morning, that EVERYONE was looking forward to, not me!

I also would not forget that I had started two HUGE batches of turkey broth at the end of the day, and the fall fast asleep on the couch when I sat for the first time on thanksgiving day, forgetting all about it until the next day, when it had turned to turkey jello (that would be disgusting and shamefully wasteful!)

I would never procrastinate this late on sending out birthday invitations for my baby's second birthday on SUNDAY!(even if I did send an evite)

I would never leave my kids unsupervised in the tub so I could run and check my email, long enough that the littlest one would have time to poop and then the older one throw it out of the tub onto the floor so they could keep playing without poop in the bath water...that would NEVER happen here!

I would not take my children out of the house at 10 am still in thier jammies, into the grocery store. Not me! If I ever did do something like that, I would bring clothes to get them dressed before meeting grammy for lunch.

I would not make a batch of pie crust dough, just so I could have some of those pie crust scraps with cinnamon and sugar on them like my mom always makes, and pretend it was for my kids to get to cut out fun fall shapes with cookie cutters and decorate them like cookies. No, not me!

Oh, boy...I am SO glad I never do things like that!


Mara said...

Eryn...thanks for the late night are priceless!

Julie D. said...

awesome love yhe tub one!

Julie D. said...

oops--typing with one hand!

Denise Crawford said...

I did see the 4 year old (proudly!) wearing the 2 year old's shirt, but it was totally okay because it said something about calling Grammy on it...

Dee said...

How therapeutic! poop on the floor, ooooooh! Autumn would have had a scream attack!

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